Vise deanship for Student Activities and Programs:


Manage activities and programs.

 The department responsible for managing activities and programs focuses on providing students with various extra-curricular activities. This includes participation in sports, cultural events, and artistic, religious, and social activities. Additionally, the department organizes seminars, courses, and student clubs and serves as a developing, talented student. It strives to foster innovation and creativity among university students and contributes to their overall growth and development. These meaningful and beneficial programs are offered to students, effectively utilizing their spare time and honing their talents and abilities.


Student Skills Development Department

The department dedicated to developing student skills aims to enhance the capabilities and qualifications of university students. It achieves this goal through courses and training in various aspects of human development. The primary objective is to increase students' self-sufficiency, enabling them to excel academically and personally. Additionally, the department focuses on preparing students for the job market, equipping them with the necessary skills and competencies.


Guidance and Orientation Department

The guidance and orientation department provides comprehensive counselling services to support students' psychological, social, educational, and vocational needs. These services encompass both preventive and therapeutic counselling. Individual and group counselling sessions address mental health issues and promote personal and academic harmony among university students. The department also assists students in overcoming educational obstacles by providing specialized programs and guidance throughout their academic journey.


Student Affairs Vice Deanship:


Student Housing Department

The student housing department ensures that students have comfortable and suitable accommodation throughout their stay at the university. It also provides educational and social support to meet their living needs.


Food Services Department

 The food services department oversees student nutrition services, including breakfast and lunch. Additionally, it ensures that all food services provided at university events and student activities meet high health and nutrition standards while catering to diverse tastes.


Cooperative Training Department

 The cooperative training department aims to align students' specialized studies with practical work requirements. It trains students to apply their theoretical knowledge in real work environments during designated study periods through specific guidelines.


Alumni and Scholarship Services Office

The alumni services office caters to non-Saudi students attending the university on scholarships. It handles admission procedures, visas, travel arrangements, and residence permits. The office collaborates with various university departments to facilitate the start of students' studies and issue necessary administrative decisions. It also fosters connections between scholarship students and their Saudi counterparts through joint activities and programs. Additionally, the office provides services to university graduates, such as access to college and university facilities and networking opportunities.


Alumni portal:


Student Rights Unit

 The student rights unit aims to inform university students about their rights and responsibilities. It strives to balance their obligations and entitlements fairly, empowering them to pursue a learning path with foresight.